Member-only story
Dear Snow,
How I have missed you
Life was not the same without you
this Winter.
And yet, here you come
As Spring rushes in.
Tumbling from the sky
in large downy hosts
Some frozen form of manna from Heaven
being thrown with zeal to the ground
from unknown angels
trying to replenish our parched Earth.
As I write, your trajectory has shifted
each time I look, it changes
sometimes falling softly
like powdered sugar being sifted
a sweet gift to cover the drought-ravaged ground.
Next, I spy movement like a frenzied hailstorm
two or more directions at once
The birds caw — in confusion?
Or are they in collusion?
— Trusting Mother Nature knows what she is doing.
How I missed you during the Solstice,
and I how to welcome you Now
just past the Vernal Equinox.
You are a beloved old friend
that somehow always seems new.
I see you far less often these days
and you always leave too soon.